
http://haejungchoi-arwork.blogspot.co.uk/ http://choihj-artwork.blogspot.co.uk/ www.facebook.com/haejung.choi.artwork choihj.artwork@hotmail.com// choihj.artwork@gmail.com//

2013. 1. 8.

[sale] Book sale

[on sale]
  1.  Rear Window small publishing  이창 I   5,000won(korean)
  2. Thought small publishing  이창 외전 思  Thought   5,200won(korean)
  3. Bird 새 small publishing   20,000won(korean)
  4. Bird hand made artists' book 550,000won(korean) - made by order. we need 3months for making.

 * The shipping fee is variable.

mail to me:

payment via paypal

In online store:

1. NOT-SUN  http://notxsun.blog.me/110154784381
2. Shop makers http://blog.naver.com/shopmakers/
3. From the books http://fromthebooks.com/

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