
http://haejungchoi-arwork.blogspot.co.uk/ http://choihj-artwork.blogspot.co.uk/ www.facebook.com/haejung.choi.artwork choihj.artwork@hotmail.com// choihj.artwork@gmail.com//

2014. 7. 9.

[Fair] Turn the page 2014

I sent the project [Bird] to the Turn the page-artists' book fair in England.
I thank to the comittee for helping me a lot.
They did everything for me because I couldn't be there in person. Thank you very much!
The fair held from 1st may during 2 days. It's very well finished- 8 plates and 5 books are sold!


HP of Turn the page artists' book fair  http://www.turnthepage.org.uk/

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